남양주시, 내년 본예산 2조 2,720억 편성 제출

“100만 메가시티 도약 방점”
-주광덕 시장 “슈퍼성장·민생안정 우선순위 둘 것”
-올해比 2% 증액…내달 16일 심의·의결

하인규 기자 | 기사입력 2024/11/20 [14:14]

남양주시, 내년 본예산 2조 2,720억 편성 제출

“100만 메가시티 도약 방점”
-주광덕 시장 “슈퍼성장·민생안정 우선순위 둘 것”
-올해比 2% 증액…내달 16일 심의·의결

하인규 기자 | 입력 : 2024/11/20 [14:14]

▲ 주광덕 남양주시장 시정발언 모습(사진제공=남양주시청)  © 브레이크뉴스 하인규 기자

(남양주=브레이크뉴스 경기동북부)하인규 기자=남양주시(시장 주광덕)는 20일 100만 메가시티 도약 및 성장동력 확충에 중점을 둔 2조 2,720억 원 규모의 내년도 본예산 편성안을 시의회에 제출했다.


내년도 본예산은 올해보다 442억 원(2%) 증가한 2조 2,720억 원으로, 일반회계 2조 541억 원, 특별회계 2,179억 원 이다.


시는 불안한 국제정세와 내수경기 위축에 따른 세입 감소 등 재정적 어려움을 감안해 전략적인 재정 운용을 통한 효율적인 재원 배분에 힘썼다.


특히 내년도 예산은 △지역경제 및 소상공인 활성화 지원 △교통복지 강화 △생활형 SOC 사업 △안전 도시 조성 등 민생안정과 도시의 성장에 중점을 두고 편성했다.


먼저, 시는 GTX 및 5개 전철노선 등 광역교통망 연결을 통한 시민의 이동 편의성을 향상하는 효율적인 교통환경 조성을 위한 균형적 투자로 도로·교통 분야에 총 1,829억 원을 편성했다.


진접선·별내선 철도 운영에 339억 원, 도로 환경 및 시설 정비에 313억 원 등의 예산이 포함됐다.


또한, 수소도시 조성 등 도시재생·환경개발 사업을 통해 지역 경쟁력을 강화하는 중점 투자로 도시개발 및 정비 분야에 686억 원을 투입하기로 했다.


어린이부터 어르신, 장애인 등 사회복지·보건 분야에는 전체 예산의 절반에 달하는 1조 1,079억 원을 책정했다.


이외에도 △정약용 브랜딩 등 문화관광 사업 151억 원 △소상공인·청년 등 지원 113억 원 △자연·사회 재난 대비 660억 원 등이 포함됐다.


특히 인구 100만 특례시 승격에 대비하고 미래형 자족도시 조성을 위한 신청사 건립기금은 2025년 말 기준 1,100억 원이 조성될 것으로 보인다.


주광덕 시장은 “지방재정을 건전하게 운용하면서도 남양주의 성장과 민생안정에 중점을 두고 2025년 본예산을 편성했다”며 “앞으로도 재정 여건 개선에 힘쓰면서 시민들의 삶의 질 향상에 최선을 다하겠다”고 전했다.


한편, 2025년 본예산은 제308회 남양주시의회 제2차 정례회에서 상임위원회와 예산결산특별위원회의 심의를 거쳐 다음 달 16일 심의·의결될 예정이다.

하인규 기자 popupnews24@naver.com


아래는 위의 글을 구글번역이 번역한 영문의 전문이다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.Below is the full English translation of the above text translated by Google Translate. 'Google Translate' is working to improve comprehension. Please note that there may be errors in the English translation.


Namyangju City submits 2 trillion 272 billion won budget for next year

"Emphasis on leap to 1 million mega city"

-Mayor Joo Kwang-deok "Prioritize super growth and livelihood stability"

-2% increase compared to this year... Deliberation and resolution on the 16th of next month


-Reporter Ha In-gyu


(Namyangju=Break News Gyeonggi Northeast) Namyangju City (Mayor Joo Kwang-deok) submitted a 2 trillion 272 billion won budget plan for next year to the city council on the 20th, focusing on leaping to 1 million mega city and expanding growth engines.


Next year's budget is KRW 2.272 trillion, an increase of KRW 44.2 billion (2%) from this year, with KRW 2.541 trillion in the general account and KRW 217.9 billion in the special account.


The city has made efforts to efficiently distribute resources through strategic financial management, taking into account financial difficulties such as the unstable international situation and the decrease in tax revenue due to the domestic economic downturn.


In particular, next year's budget was organized with a focus on stabilizing people's livelihoods and urban growth, such as ▲supporting the revitalization of the local economy and small business owners, ▲strengthening transportation welfare, ▲living-type SOC projects, and ▲creating a safe city.


First, the city has organized a total of KRW 182.9 billion in the road and transportation sectors as a balanced investment to create an efficient transportation environment that improves citizens' convenience of movement through the connection of the metropolitan transportation network, such as the GTX and five subway lines.


The budget includes 33.9 billion won for the operation of the Jinjeop Line and Byeollae Line railways, and 31.3 billion won for road environment and facility maintenance.


In addition, it was decided to invest 68.6 billion won in urban development and maintenance as a key investment to strengthen regional competitiveness through urban regeneration and environmental development projects such as the creation of a hydrogen city.


1.1079 trillion won, half of the total budget, was set for social welfare and health for children, the elderly, and the disabled.


In addition, the following were included: △15.1 billion won for cultural tourism projects such as Jeong Yak-yong branding, △11.3 billion won for support for small business owners and youth, and △66 billion won for natural and social disaster preparedness.


In particular, the fund for the construction of a new city hall in preparation for the promotion to a special city with a population of 1 million and the creation of a future-oriented self-sufficient city is expected to reach 110 billion won by the end of 2025.


Mayor Joo Kwang-deok said, “We have prepared the 2025 budget with a focus on the growth of Namyangju and the stabilization of people’s livelihoods while managing local finances soundly,” and added, “We will continue to work to improve our financial conditions and do our best to improve the quality of life of our citizens.” Meanwhile, the 2025 budget is scheduled to be deliberated and approved on the 16th of next month after being deliberated by the standing committee and the Budget and Settlement Special Committee at the 2nd regular session of the 308th Namyangju City Council.

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