백경현 구리시장, '구리아이타워 건립사업' 입장 밝혀잘못된 토지 매각, 기부채납 등 바로잡고 협의 결과에 따라 추진
이 자리에서 백 시장은 먼저, 전임시장 당시 턱없이 낮은 금액으로 구리아이타워 부지를 매각했다는 것이다.
이는 전임시장때인 2018년 7월 수택고앞 다기능 주상복합시설 조성 검토보고시 구리아이타워 부지 가 3종일반주거지역 용적율 280%일 때,탁상감정평가는 674억 원이었음에도 2021년 8월 구리도시공사에현물출자용 (준주거용지 용적율 500%) 감정평가는 604억원으로 산정되어 구리도시공사로 현물출자하였고,이 토지를 민간사업자에게 매각시 재감정없이 604억원이라는 황당한 가격으로 매각된 것이라고 밝혔다.
당시 구리시의회에서도 2021년 12월 제310회 구리시의회 제2차 정례회시시의원들은 대장동 사건으로 국회에서도 초과이익환수조치법을 발의하여 추진하고 있는데 투명성을 최우선으로 하고 토지매각도 매각시점에 재감정을 통하여 토지가격을 충분히 받아야 한다고 했음에도 이를 무시하고 재감정 없이 604억원에 매각한 것은 배임에 해당하는 것으로 잘못된 것이라고 말했다.
또한, 구리아이타워 교통영향평가에 대해서는 구리아이타워 부지는 3종일반주거지역(용적율 280%)을 준주거지역(용적율 500%)으로 상향 함에 따른 지구단위계획상 기반시설 대책이 마련되지않고 교통영향평가 심의를 받는다는 것은 무의미 한 것이라는 의미로 전달했고, 실제 용적율 상향에 따른 도로 등 확충계획이 전혀 없어 반드시이에 따른 기반시설 대책 보완이 따라야 한다는 것이다.
이와 함께 구리아이타워 건립사업을 통하여 문화·체육·교육시설 등으로 기부채납 받는 면적이 4,798평으로 주상복합시설의 특성상 공용면적이 상대적으로 넓고 일반시설 대비 유지관리비가 2배이상 높은 까닭에구리도시공사가 기부채납 받은 시설을 운영한다면 적자운영이 될 수밖에 없는 구조이며 적자누적의 경우 시민들의 혈세 투입이 불가피함에 함에 따라 이에 대한 현명한 대책이 필요하다고도 밝혔다.
실제, 2021년 12월 9일 제310회 구리시의회 제2차 정례회에서도 구리시의회 의원들은 기부채납이 무조건 좋은 것이 아니다. 적자운영에 대한 대안 마련이 반드시 필요하다는 주문이 있었음에도 전임시장은 이를 무시하고 추진한 것이라고도 했다.
마지막으로 백시장은 전임시장 당시 추진했던 구리아이타워 사업이 이런문제점 투성이다 보니 이를 바로잡아 추진하려는 것을 ”전임시장 사업지우기“라고 보도하는 것은 매우 안타깝다고 했다.
이에 따라 현실적 토지매각 대금의 조정, 공공기여 기부채납 시설의 합리적인 방안등을 민간사업자와 협의를 통하여 동의 여부에 따라 사업추진의 가·부가 결정될 것이라고 말했다.
하인규 기자 popupnews24@naver.com
아래는 위의 글을 구글번역이 번역한 영문의 전문이다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.Below is the full English translation of the above text by Google Translate. 'Google Translate' is working to improve comprehension. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.
Baek Kyung-hyun, Mayor of Guri, reveals position on 'Guri Ai Tower Construction Project' Correcting incorrect land sales, donations, etc. and proceeding according to the results of the agreement
- Reporter Ha In-gyu
(Guri=Break News Gyeonggi Northeast) At a breakfast meeting with journalists on the 12th, Mayor Baek Kyung-hyun of Guri expressed his position on the successive reports by broadcast media regarding the "Guri Ai Tower Construction Project" that has been promoted since the previous mayor's time, such as "continuous delays in permits and audits... suspicions of the previous mayor erasing the project" and "the mayor ordered the suspension of the traffic impact assessment."
At this meeting, Mayor Baek first stated that the Guri Ai Tower site was sold at an extremely low price during the previous mayor's time.
This is because in July 2018, when the previous mayor was in charge of the review report on the development of a multi-functional apartment complex in front of Sutaek High School, the Guri Ai Tower site had a floor area ratio of 280% for a 3rd general residential area, and the desk appraisal was 67.4 billion won. However, in August 2021, the appraisal for the contribution in kind to the Guri Urban Development Corporation (floor area ratio of 500% for semi-residential land) was calculated to be 60.4 billion won, so the contribution in kind was made to the Guri Urban Development Corporation, and when this land was sold to a private business operator, it was sold at the absurd price of 60.4 billion won without re-appraisal. At that time, the Guri City Council also said that the Guri City Council members of the 2nd regular session of the 310th Guri City Council in December 2021 were pushing forward with the Excess Profit Recovery Measures Act in the National Assembly due to the Daejang-dong incident, and that transparency should be the top priority and that the land sale should be re-appraised at the time of sale to receive the land price sufficiently, but they ignored this and sold it for 60.4 billion won without re-appraisal, which constitutes dereliction of duty and is wrong.
In addition, regarding the traffic impact assessment of Guri Ai Tower, they conveyed that it is meaningless to receive a traffic impact assessment review without preparing infrastructure measures in the district unit plan due to the upward change of the Guri Ai Tower site from a 3rd general residential area (floor area ratio of 280%) to a semi-residential area (floor area ratio of 500%), and that there is no plan at all for expanding roads, etc. due to the actual increase in the floor area ratio, so infrastructure measures must be supplemented accordingly.
In addition, the area donated as cultural, sports, and educational facilities through the construction of the Guri Ai Tower is 4,798 pyeong, and since the common area is relatively large due to the characteristics of the apartment complex, and the maintenance cost is more than twice as high compared to general facilities, if the Guri Urban Corporation operates the donated facility, it is inevitable that it will be operated at a loss, and in the case of accumulated deficit, it is inevitable that citizens' tax money will be invested, so a wise measure is needed.
In fact, at the 2nd regular session of the 310th Guri City Council on December 9, 2021, the Guri City Council members said that donations are not always good. They also said that there was a request that an alternative to operating at a loss was absolutely necessary, but the former mayor ignored this and pushed ahead.
Lastly, Mayor Baek said that the Guri Ai Tower project promoted by the former mayor was full of such problems, and it was very unfortunate that the report was calling it "erasing the former mayor's project" to correct them.
Accordingly, he said that the decision on whether to proceed with the project will be made based on whether the private sector agrees to the adjustment of the realistic land sale price and the reasonable plan for the public contribution donation facility through consultation. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스 경기동북부 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>