윤호중 의원, 제헌절 공휴일 재지정 법안 발의- 15일, 제헌절을 공휴일로 재지정하는 공휴일법 개정안 대표발의
(구리=브레이크뉴스 경기동북부)하인규 기자=더불어민주당 헌법개정특별위원회 위원장을 맡고 있는 윤호중 국회의원(경기도 구리시·5선)은 제헌절을 이틀 앞둔 15일(월), 제헌절을 공휴일로 재지정하는 내용의 「공휴일에 관한 법률(이하 공휴일법) 일부개정법률안」을 대표발의했다.
오는 17일은 제76주년 제헌절로 1948년 7월 17일 대한민국 최초의 헌법 공포를 기념하는 국경일이지만, 현재 제헌절은 국경일 중 유일하게 공휴일로 지정되어 있지 않다.
이에 윤호중 의원은 공휴일법 개정안을 통해 “헌법은 나라가 국가공동체를 유지하고 국민의 인권을 지키는 데 최후의 보루 역할을 한다는 측면에서 중요하므로, 제헌절의 의미가 퇴색되지 않도록 공휴일로 재지정해야 한다는 의견이 계속 제기되어 왔다”며 제헌절 공휴일 재지정을 원하는 국민의 목소리를 대변했다.
한편, 윤 의원은 21대 국회에서도 동 법안을 발의하는 등 제헌절 공휴일 재지정을 위해 일찍부터 다양한 노력을 경주해왔다.
특히 지난 1일에는 제헌국회의원 유족회(이하 제헌유족회) 윤인구 회장을 비롯한 회원들과 함께 우원식 국회의장을 만나 회원 전원의 연명이 담긴 제헌절 공휴일 재지정 청원서를 전달하고, 이어 5일에는 윤호중 의원의 소개로 해당 청원서가 국회에 제출되어 소관 상임위인 행정안전위원회에 회부되었다. 금번 윤호중 의원의 법안 발의로 제헌절 공휴일 재지정 논의가 한층 더 탄력을 받을 것으로 기대된다.
윤호중 의원은 “제헌헌법은 대한민국이 지켜나가야 할 고귀한 국민적 합의로 존중받아 마땅하지만, 제헌절은 국경일 중 유일하게 공휴일이 아닌 것은 매우 안타까운 일”이라며 "21대에 이어 22대 국회에서도 제헌절 공휴일 재지정 법안을 다시 발의한 만큼 이번에는 반드시 통과될 수 있도록 최선을 다하겠다”고 밝혔다.
하인규 기자 popupnews24@naver.com
아래는 위의 글을 구글번역이 번역한 영문의 전문이다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.Below is the full text of the above article translated into English by Google Translate. ‘Google Translate’ is working to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.
Rep. Yun Ho-jung proposes a bill to re-designate Constitution Day as a public holiday
- On the 15th, a representative motion was made to amend the National Holiday Act to re-designate Constitution Day as a public holiday.
- On the 1st, together with the bereaved families of members of the Constitutional Assembly, we met with Chairman Woo Won-sik and delivered a petition and submitted it to the National Assembly as a petition for member introduction.
- Representative Yoon Ho-jung, “We will do our best to ensure that the bill to re-designate Constitution Day as a public holiday is passed this time.”
-Reporter Ha In-gyu
(Guri = Break News Northeastern Gyeonggi) In addition, National Assembly member Ho-jung Yoon (Guri-si, Gyeonggi-do, 5th term), who serves as the chairman of the Special Committee on Constitutional Amendment of the Democratic Party of Korea, published a public holiday on the 15th (Monday), two days before Constitution Day, with the content of redesignating Constitution Day as a public holiday. A bill to partially amend the law (hereinafter referred to as the National Holidays Act) was proposed.
The coming 17th is the 76th anniversary of Constitution Day, a national holiday commemorating the promulgation of the Republic of Korea's first constitution on July 17, 1948. However, Constitution Day is currently the only national holiday that is not designated as a public holiday.
Accordingly, Representative Yoon Ho-jung said through the amendment to the National Holiday Act, “The Constitution is important in that it serves as the last bastion for the country to maintain the national community and protect the human rights of the people, so there is an opinion that Constitution Day should be redesignated as a public holiday so that the meaning of Constitution Day does not fade. “It has been continuously raised,” he said, representing the voices of the people who want to re-designate Constitution Day as a public holiday.
Meanwhile, Rep. Yoon has been making various efforts since early on to re-designate Constitution Day as a public holiday, including proposing the same bill in the 21st National Assembly. In particular, on the 1st, together with members including Chairman Yoon In-gu of the Constituent Assembly Members' Bereaved Families Association (hereinafter referred to as the Constitution Bereaved Families Association), we met with National Assembly Speaker Woo Won-sik and delivered a petition for re-designation of Constitution Day as a public holiday containing the joint names of all members, and on the 5th, with the introduction of Rep. Yun Ho-jung. The petition was submitted to the National Assembly and referred to the Public Administration and Security Committee, the relevant standing committee. It is expected that the discussion on re-designating Constitution Day as a public holiday will gain further momentum with Rep. Yun Ho-jung's bill being proposed this time.
Representative Yoon Ho-jung said, “The Constitution deserves to be respected as a noble national agreement that the Republic of Korea must protect, but it is very unfortunate that Constitution Day is the only national holiday that is not a public holiday.” “As we have proposed this again, we will do our best to ensure that it passes this time,” he said.
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