한국마사회 중랑지사,범죄예방환경 조성 위한 업무협약 체결중랑경찰서와 함께 기초질서 확립,합동순찰, 범죄예방 수칙 교육 등 합동 추진
중랑경찰서 범죄예방대응과(과장 이규탁)와 한국마사회 중랑지사(지사장 유승일)는 지난 17일(수) 『범죄예방환경 조성을 위한 업무협약』을 체결하고, 예방 활동을 위한 합동 순찰, 기초질서 확립 캠페인, 범죄예방 수칙 교육 등 다양한 활동을 합동으로 추진하기로 뜻을 모았다.
금번 업무협약으로 중랑경찰서는 망우동 일대 예방순찰을 강화하고, 범죄예방진단팀의 취약요인 진단 및 마사회 중랑지사가 추진하는 기초질서 준수 캠페인 등을 적극 지원한다.
한국마사회 중랑지사는 사업장 주변 기초질서 확립 및 경마고객 관리 활동에 집중하고, 중랑경찰서 협조로 4백여명에 달하는 문화교실 수강생을 대상으로 악성 앱 및 미끼문자 등의 전화금융사기 예방 활동을 실시할 예정이다.
백승언 중랑경찰서장은 “앞으로도 경찰은 주민들의 평온한 일상을 지키기 위해 관내 기초질서를 확립하고 범죄예방 환경 조성에 최선을 다할 것이다”고 밝혔다.
한편, MOU 체결 후 중랑경찰서 범죄예방대응과장, 망우지구대장, 한국마사회 중랑지사장, 망우지구대 생활안전협의회 회원 등 총 20여명이 참여한 가운데 망우동 먹자골목, 우림 전통시장 일대에서 도시미관 정비 활동(플로깅) 및 기초질서 준수 캠페인을 성황리에 진행했다.
하인규 기자
아래는 위의 글을 구글번역이 번역한 영문의 전문이다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.Below is the full text of the above article translated into English by Google Translate. ‘Google Translate’ is working to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.
Korea Racing Authority Jungnang branch signs business agreement to create a crime prevention environment Joint promotion of establishment of basic order, joint patrol, and crime prevention rule training with Jungnang Police Station
-Reporter Ha In-gyu (Jungnang = Break News Northeast Gyeonggi) Jungnang Police Station (Chief Seung-eon Baek) and Jungnang Branch of the Korea Racing Authority (Seung-il Yoo, Branch Manager) announced that they have begun a project to create a foundation for civil-police cooperation to expand the ‘culture of law and order compliance’ throughout the community.
Jungnang Police Station's Crime Prevention Response Department (Chief Gyu-tak Lee) and the Jungnang Branch of the Korea Racing Authority (Branch Manager Seung-il Yoo) signed a "Business Agreement for Creating a Crime Prevention Environment" on the 17th (Wednesday) and launched a joint patrol for prevention activities and a campaign to establish basic order. , and agreed to jointly promote various activities, including education on crime prevention rules.
With this business agreement, Jungnang Police Station will strengthen preventive patrols in the Mangu-dong area and actively support the crime prevention diagnosis team's diagnosis of vulnerable factors and the basic order compliance campaign promoted by the Jungnang branch of the Korea Racing Authority.
The Korean Racing Association's Jungnang branch will focus on establishing basic order around business sites and managing horse racing customers, and with the cooperation of the Jungnang Police Station, will carry out activities to prevent phone financial fraud such as malicious apps and bait text messages targeting about 400 culture class students. .
Jungrang Police Chief Baek Seung-eon said, “The police will continue to do its best to establish basic order within the district and create a crime prevention environment to protect the peaceful daily lives of residents.”
Meanwhile, after signing the MOU, a total of 20 people, including the head of the Crime Prevention Response Department at Jungnang Police Station, the Mangu District Captain, the Jungnang Branch President of the Korea Racing Authority, and members of the Mangu District Life Safety Council, participated in an urban aesthetic maintenance activity (plogging) in the Mangu-dong food alley and Woorim Traditional Market. ) and basic order compliance campaigns were successfully carried out. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스 경기동북부 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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