이날 협의회는 위원 임기 만료에 따라 새로 구성된 ▲협의회 위원 위촉장 수여 ▲부의장 선임 ▲평생학습 주요 현황보고 순으로 진행됐다.
남양주시 평생교육협의회는 당연직으로 남양주시장이 의장을 맡고 있으며, 시의원, 평생학습원장, 구리남양주교육지원청 관계 공무원, 장애인 평생교육 관계자, 관내 평생교육기관의 장, 평생교육 전문가 등 학식과 경험이 풍부한 위촉직 위원 11명을 포함해 총 12명으로 구성됐다.
이날 위촉된 위원들은 임기 2년 동안 평생학습에 관한 기본계획의 수립 및 지원에 관한 사항을 조정·자문하는 역할을 하며, 평생교육 발전 방향에 대한 다양한 의견을 제시하게 된다.
위촉식에 이어 ▲2023년 평생학습 진흥 시행계획 ▲평생학습 시민 설문조사 결과 ▲2023년 하반기 주요 사업 계획 등 주요 현안 사항에 대한 보고가 진행됐다. 또한 평생교육협의회와 유관 기관의 협력과 휴먼북 라이브러리 사업 연계를 통해 지역평생학습을 활성화하기 위한 다양한 의견 공유와 열띈 논의가 이뤄졌다.
주광덕 남양주시장은 “빠르게 변화하는 시대에 적응하고 세대별, 계층별 소통과 공감을 위하여 평생학습의 필요성이 대두되고 있다.”라며 “협의회 위원님들의 고견은 앞으로 남양주시 평생학습 정책에 잘 반영해 시민들이 다양한 욕구를 충족하고 꿈이 실현되는 남양주시를 만드는 데 노력하겠다”라고 말했다.
하인규 기자 popupnews24@naver.com
아래는 위의 글을 구글번역이 번역한 영문의 전문이다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.Below is the full text of the above article translated into English by Google Translate. 'Google Translate' is working to increase understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.
Namyangju City holds ‘2023 Lifelong Education Council’
-Reporter Ha In-gyu (Namyangju = Break News Northeast Gyeonggi) = Namyangju City (Mayor Joo Gwang-deok) held the first meeting of the '2023 Namyangju City Lifelong Education Council' at Jeong Yak-yong Library on the 29th with Mayor Joo Gwang-deok and 8 appointed members in attendance. This was announced through a press release from the planning team.
On this day, the council was held in the following order: ▲awarding of letters of appointment to newly formed council members upon the expiration of members' terms, ▲appointment of vice chairpersons, and ▲reporting on major status of lifelong learning.
The Namyangju City Lifelong Education Council is chaired ex officio by the Mayor of Namyangju, and appoints members with abundant knowledge and experience, such as city council members, the director of the Lifelong Learning Center, public officials related to the Guri Namyangju Office of Education, people in charge of lifelong education for the disabled, heads of lifelong education institutions in the district, and lifelong education experts. It consists of a total of 12 members, including 11 committee members.
The members appointed on this day will play the role of coordinating and advising on matters related to the establishment and support of basic plans for lifelong learning during their two-year term, and will present various opinions on the direction of lifelong education development.
Following the appointment ceremony, reports were made on major issues such as ▲2023 implementation plan for lifelong learning promotion ▲results of lifelong learning citizen survey ▲major business plans for the second half of 2023. In addition, various opinions were shared and heated discussions took place to revitalize local lifelong learning through cooperation between the Lifelong Education Council and related organizations and linkage with the Human Book Library project.
Namyangju Mayor Joo Gwang-deok said, “The need for lifelong learning is emerging in order to adapt to the rapidly changing times and to communicate and empathize with each generation and class.” He added, “The opinions of the council members will be well reflected in Namyangju City’s lifelong learning policy in the future, so that citizens can participate in various activities.” “I will strive to create a city in Namyangju where people’s needs are met and dreams are realized,” he said. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스 경기동북부 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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